
Quello che le donne non chiedono
Gli uomini sanno chiedere quello che vogliono ottenere, e lo domandano due volte di piu' delle donne, cosi' come iniziano una negoziazione quattro volte piu' spesso. Lo dicono l'economista Linda Babcock (Carnegie Mellon) e la scrittrice Sara Laschever, che in Women Don't Ask affermano come la nostra cultura spinga le donne sin dalla culla, passando per la scuola e i giochi, a evitare di chiedere e negoziare per se stesse.
Babcock and Laschever, contrary to their book's title, do ask a series of questions: Why do most women see a negotiation as an automatic fight instead of a chance to get what they deserve? Why are women afraid to ask for what they want in the workplace? And perhaps most importantly, why don't women feel entitled to ask for it? True to their academic backgrounds, Babcock (a Carnegie Mellon economist) and writer Laschever seek their answers in a series of gender psychology and economics studies... Great resource for anyone who doubts there is still a great disparity between the salary earnings of men and women. (Publishers Weekly)